Our Team
Taryn Suskie
Case Manager
HOBBIES: All things outdoors – kayaking, hiking the Appalachian Trail and when it’s too cold, antiquing.
PETS: My mini zoo includes 3 dogs – Jed, my All-American mutt, Josie, my lab and Kona, my German Shepherd, a ferret named Peaches and a bunch of fish
FAVORITE PLACE SHE’S TRAVELED: The Smokey Mountains and Salem, MA
FAVORITE BOOK: Any book that enlightens my soul but mostly Dean Koontz
FAVORITE MOVIE QUOTE: “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine” – Humphrey Bogart “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” – Jaws
BIGGEST FEAR: Dying before living and of course ALL spiders!
FIRST JOB: Curb hop – fast food
SOMETHING ON HER BUCKET LIST: Traveling from one end of the US to the other and all points in between.